Monday, November 14, 2011

Movember ManHunt!

NEXT GAME: Sunday November 20th @ 3pm
LOCATION: Christ Church Cathedral (Quadra/Courtney)

It's the MO'st wonderful time of the year! Come show off your Movember moustaches (ladies -- why not wear a fake one?) as the 'Hunt returns to one of our favourite downtown locations.

Meet up outside the front steps of Christ Church Cathedral (Quadra & Courtney) at 3pm SHARP! Click the map link below to see the boundaries...

Newcomers: you'll need to bring a waiver (19+) or a permission form (18-) in order to play. Click the links below to access & print the documents:
[ ADULTS 19+ ]
[ MINORS 18- ]

Questions, comments & the like can be sent to the organizers at...
[ manhuntvictoria at gmail dot com ]

~ MHV ~

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